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Delightful 8bit puzzle game about touching each/most squares only once. Worth the buck, easy!

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for playing!! 

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It says that the cluster size isn't supported? how do i fix that?

Wow! I have never heard that error before! Can you send me a screenshot and some info about your pc?

in the meantime, there is a "secret" web version of the game hosted here. Let me know if that works for you!


Oh this is absolutely lovely! I have to come back and try to get the other endings! (although living with critters away from greedy landlords is quite optimal as far as I'm concerned!)


Lawn Buster for Hire's a short and sweet "puzzle" game that's conceptually very cool. All you need to do is move around the map, clearing all the grass. What makes it cool is the layers of difficulty involved; each level you gain extra rewards for leaving the flowers intact, for not re-treading, and for being quick about it. It's not always possible to do all of those things so you need to make choices and sacrifices. Only 10 minutes of gameplay but it's challenging and there's 5 endings so you'll get 30-60 minutes out of it. Would love to see a longer "deluxe" version.


This was a fun, funky lil game! On my first playthrough I got evicted and went to live with my cow among the animals :) Thanks!


That $10 pet charge was definitely not in the lease! Glad you liked it! :)


I love this game! :D


Glad to hear! Did you finish it?? What ending did you get?


I did!! And now that I see there are multiple endings, I've got to play again :D

The ending I got on my first playthrough was living in the pasture with my cow. I was pleased with this ending; I loved the cow and had decided to name her Belinda.


The cow was a blast to write logic for! "Belinda" is now her official name, as far as I am concerned. ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„