Tiny Emoji-venture
Created for TweetTweetJam 2023.
You are on an adventure!
At the top of your screen are your stats: Health (๐), Wisdom (๐ง ), Strength (๐ช), and Wealth (๐ฐ).
Below your stats is a group of encounters. Use the 1, 2, and 3 keys to engage with the first, second, or third encounter. Friendly creatures and helpful items will increase your stats, while monsters will reduce your health.
If you fail, refresh the page to try again.
Good luck!
You can also play the game on github pages.
The code was written in javascript and uses the jquery library. The entire source code (including HTML tags) is exactly 500 characters per Notepad++.
<p></p><h1><script src="j.js"></script><script>s=[["๐",3],["๐ง ",3],["๐ช",3],["๐ฐ",0]],L=0,x="๐41๐ถ01๐ฆฃ11๐ฟ42๐ซ02๐ป43๐ฟ12๐น12๐32๐ฆ43๐21๐41๐บ44๐บ31",y=x.match(/.{1,4}/g),c={1:0,2:1,3:2},u=h=>{null!=h&&L>=0&&(a=y[L+h],i=+a[2],v=+a[3],4==i&&(i=0,v=-v),s[i][1]+=v,L+=h+1,d())},d=()=>{for(h="",j=-1;j++<3;)h+=s[j][0]+s[j][1]+" ";if(h+=" ",j=0,s[0][1]<=0)h+="๐",L=-1;else if(L+3>y.length)h+="โญ",L=-1;else for(;j++<3;)h+=y[L+j-1].substring(0,2);$("h1").html(h)},k=h=>{u(c[h.key])},$(document).on("keydown",k),d()</script></h1>
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | TurdBoomerang |
Genre | Adventure |
source.zip 75 kB
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Whew, I made it by the skin of my teeth! Great little idea, I felt like I went on a tiny adventure! :)